Sunday, February 24, 2008

Let's Get Negative!

If you've been reading the comments by Cracked Sidewalks readers over the past few weeks, you'll have noticed a repetitive anonymous jag-off who continues to be upset we neglected to link to Michael Hunt's column a few weeks back entitled "MU may be losing its way," claiming we're "homers" for not publishing anything negative.

So here is the link in all its glory. Please, for the love of god, read it, comment on it, tell your neighbors, family, friends and enemies about Hunt's article.

Perhaps Mr. Anonymous jag-off forgot to read some of our own Cracked Sidewalks negativity? Maybe he missed our "Why Cottingham" post? Or "Crean should just SIT DOWN." "A sickly performance by MU." "MU Road Woes Continue." "A Big Zero." "What's wrong with Ooze?" or "We are what we are" to name a few.

Enough CrackedSidewalks stuff. Let's hit some 3rd parties to really put this guy into ecstasy. Here's a guy who thinks MU will be playing in the NIT. Here's some Pitt fans who don't like DJ. Or a guy who says Crean's teams fizzle, or here's where PRN compares coach Crean to Cuba's Castro!

Oh, boy. It feels so good to link to stories that cast Marquette in a negative light. I feel so cleansed. So balanced.

Hooray. Another Anonymous jag-off will continue to read Cracked Sidewalks. The season is saved!

UPDATE: Good news/bad news: Our Anonymous jag-off continues to read! Bad news: Dang. Still not pleased:
Wow you must have cringed when you saw the article from Michael Hunt in this morning's paper b/c you knew you had to either address it or post the link?! You know most people that put comments on this site remain anonymous. All those jag offs huh? You guys really are a bunch of douchebags. Why don't you you go jerk off in your MU rally towel that they beat Rutgers. Then you, Gene Frenkle, and Henry Sugar can all have a big circle jerk you f'n nerds.

For the record, I'm not in Wisconsin this week, and haven't seen it. Be a doll and post a link?


  1. Mr. Hunt had nice things to say about MU today, which is rare for him.

    You run a good, balanced site. I am glad I found it.

    Some people aren't happy unless they are bitching.

  2. Thank you Hilltopper!!

    There is an inordinately high number of Marquette fans with such a HUGE inferiority complex that they think any article that is not glowing in its opinion or Crean or Maruqette is a hatchet job and is clear evidence of a conspiracy. I have no doubt that these loons complain to the paper...both audibly and through letters, making us all look bad. Look no further than an extended b*tch session on one of the MU message boards after a single letter to the editor was published that questioned MU's performance. You would have thought somebody had called the Virgin Mary Herself.

    Frankly, it's embarrassing as a Marquette fan.

    These are the same people who quite literally admit to measuring column inches devoted to Marquette vs. Wisconsin after big wins. Is that a legitimate practice or overwhelming evidence of a sense of inferiority?

    These same guys questioned a column a year or two ago by a female sportswriter at the JS. This writer is a MARQUETTE GRADUATE and certain posters insisted she was biased against Marquette.

    These freaks need to stop embarrassing the rest of the Marquette fanbase!

  3. Wow you must have cringed when you saw the article from Michael Hunt in this morning's paper b/c you knew you had to either address it or post the link?! You know most people that put comments on this site remain anonymous. All those jag offs huh? You guys really are a bunch of douchebags. Why don't you you go jerk off in your MU rally towel that they beat Rutgers. Then you, Gene Frenkle, and Henry Sugar can all have a big circle jerk you f'n nerds.

  4. Wow, someones little ego got stepped on. Look nothing wrong with criticism. But what is realistic crisitism and what is just taking slams against the program? What is just a short term disappointment versus a self destructive pattern? I being a Marquette fan really appreciate being in the national spotlight again. And if you are going to give criticism you should be able to take criticism. Who are the real babies? I am sticking with Gene and Henry and Hilltoper, they are the true Marquette fans in my opinion.

  5. "Anonynmous", it's o.k. to admit you belong to the SRC (Selective Reader Club). I know it's hard. That's o.k. We're all here for you. Gotta run. Have to meet my friends from Cracked Sidewalks and its my turn to supply the towels.

    Yours everlasting,

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. HOW MU GETS A BYE. To get a bye in the Big East tourney we need to win all three tough games to end the season, AND we need either Georgetown, Notre Dame or UConn to lose two more games. Unfortunately, we need to root for Louisville – uggghhhh – to hand ND and Gtown one of those losses. Here are the three scenarios:

    Easiest scenario – LOUISVILLE BEATS GEORGETOWN. Georgetown not only loses to us Saturday but loses to Louisville at home in the finale so we finish tied at 4th and we win on head-to-head. Even if UConn were to end with 5 losses to be tied with GU and MU, the 3-way head-to-head would be 1-1 for each of us, UConn would get the No. 3 seed as the only team to beat Louisville and then it would go back to our anticipated head-to-head win against GU for the No. 4 seed, so we’d get the buy.

    Next possible scenario – UCONN LOSES TWO MORE. UConn gets upset twice in the last four games to finish with 6 losses and we get a guy regardless of tie-breakers.

    Third possible scenario – NOTRE DAME LOSES TWO MORE. Notre Dame loses not only to Louisville, but also gets upset one time to finish tied with us. We win all the tie-breakers against ND. Because the head-to-head is 1-1, we go to our records against the No. 1 team, then the No. 2 team, then the No. 3 team, and no matter what order UConn, Georgetown and Louisville finish, we eventually win the tie-breaker because of our anticipated win against Georgetown and ND hasn’t beaten any of those 3.

    The only mathematical was we don’t get in under any of the above scenarios is if Louisville were to go 2-2 to force a multiple tie with MU and at least one other team (eg, Louisville beats Georgetown and ND, BUT loses to Villanova and Pitt to finish in a 13-5 mark. At that point, we lose any combination of tie-breakers because we start 0-2 against Louisville in a tie-breaker and can’t win despite the 1-0 against Georgetown or 1-1 against ND. The reason the two losses against Louisville doesn’t kill us if they finish ahead of us is that under the Big East tie-breaker, if one team has played a team above them once and one has played them twice (eg we are 0-2 against Louisville while ND would be 0-1) then it does not break the tie if there is a chance the records could have been identical if both teams had played them twice (eg if ND had played Louisville again, they COULD HAVE finished 0-2 just like MU did, so the tie is not broken). However, the two losses are worse then one when comparing teams with tied records in the “miniconference.”

  8. Wow...the lunar eclipse has brought out the haters apparently. Sounds like the UWMers were let out for the night. ANON 1:06,you are really scrapping the bottom of the barrel for things to complain about. Times must be good for the Warriors!

    Keep up the great work!

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