"My rule was I wouldn't recruit a kid if he had grass in front of his house.
That's not my world. My world was a cracked sidewalk." —Al McGuire

Friday, June 27, 2008

New Recruit for Marquette

In a somewhat strange development, it appears that Marquette has received a commitment from another player. The new player is Liam McMorrow, who is a 7', 260lb transfer from Durham College in Canada. But not only has McMorrow committed to Marquette, but he's already on Marquette's campus and checked into Humphrey. In fact, as confirmed by Mark Miller, McMorrow has started practicing with the guys at the AL (link has more info).

So what do we know about Liam McMorrow? He's big and he's a bit of a project. According to Mark Miller, McMorrow will have to sit out a year due to the transfer. He'll end up in the same class as Otule and will have three years of eligibility. In the MUScoop discussion thread, poster MU Chi_IL found a number of links on the internet about McMorrow.

Liam McMorrow, a six-foot-eleven newcomer, will help that defensive goal. Displaying good hands for the basketball and a soft shooting touch around the basket, he shouldn’t be limited to just a defensive role either. from the Durham College Chronicle

In one game, he pulled down 18 rebounds. In another game, he sank the two winning free throws, despite a season average of 55%. Finally, poster Pakuni found a youtube clip of McMorrow that really doesn't show a whole lot.

Color us floored (is that a color?). Not only did this guy fly under the radar, but he made it all the way to campus without so much as a peep. Have to hand it to Buzz for his stealth recruiting.

Personally, I'm a big fan of this signing despite the fact that he's still raw. Frankly, any legitimate big man these days is probably a one and done and they're signing with a school like Duke/UNC/Kansas. It's worthwhile to take 1-2 guys per year that have potential because of the hope that they'll pan out. Some of the best big men in the Big East, such as Aaron Gray and Roy Hibbert, were considered projects that developed. Plus, given that McMorrow will have a transfer year to work with Dale Layer and Tony Benford, there's a better chance of realizing his potential. Both assistant coaches have worked and developed quality big men in the past, unlike the previous coaching staff.

Here is how the classes now look according to the MUScoop Scholarship Table. There is only one spot available, and all belief is that it will go to fill the need of PG. Hopefully, another Canadian named Junior Cadougan, who was on campus visiting this week, will be that final scholarship slot.

Finally, because no Friday is complete without a random topic, please be careful. There are ninja in the woods!


Anonymous said...

Look at what he played before basketball: hockey and lacrosse. That means he is coordinated with good laterality skills. If he were just a big dork kid, no way he plays either of those sports.

Basketball can be taught, athletic ability cannot. He gets a year to work out his bucket skills and we have twin towers in 2009..take that, nay sayers...now watch Buzz land the next PG!!

Championships Matter said...

Buzz, I am becoming a believer.

This is something Traitor Tommy never could have accomplished. His ego never would have permitted it.

The excitement is BACK!!!!

Gene Frenkle said...

I can't say I'm too disappointed in this. Normally, an unproven kid from Canada would make me fear for a reprise of Niv Berkowitz, but a 7-footer?

It's a gamble but one I do think MU has to make in their position. Considering they aren't on the radar of any other top flight centers - P.Forwards, yes; centers, no - it's a good move. And I agree with your guys' appraisal that MU, like Pitt and G-town, has to take on 'projects' like this. Top 5 big men are top 10 program bound and NBA bound in 1-2 years. MU has to go after these kinds of big guys.

Now...let's get a big-time PG and the '09 recruiting class will rock the BC.

Gene Frenkle said...

Here's the link to Rosiak's article. Great story in getting him.

And to be fair...MU has been successful in recruiting an international big man with little experience before so hopefully this plays out well again.



Unknown said...

Liam McMorrow is a good basketball player

basketball hoops

bamamarquette1fan said...

Wow, what a difference a little time has made - one minute it's Mbakwe is gone and the recruits are bailing, and within a couple of months recruits from everywhere are trying to get a spot with Buzz. I was happy for the Buzz signing because short-term the program owed the three Amigos what they wanted for their final year - but admitted I wasn't sure at the time how would play out after the Three Amigos, but it sure is looking great long-term as well as short-term now. GO BUZZ!

Unknown said...

Since it's apparent our roster is going to be filled by junior college players and coaches, I wonder if it's safe to change our name back to Warriors?

cet3717 said...

Richard please crawl back under the rock you have been under for awhile its nice not to see your stupid comments. As I had asked you before can you read first and second if you could afford to join even one sports subscription you could educate yourself concerning college basketball, recruits, and coaches. PLEASE GO AWAY