"My rule was I wouldn't recruit a kid if he had grass in front of his house.
That's not my world. My world was a cracked sidewalk." —Al McGuire

Friday, May 30, 2008

Good thoughts for Earl Tatum

Cracked Sidewalks Central got an email today about Marquette Great, Earl Tatum.

His daughter reports:

The family of William Earl Tatum would like to inform you of his recent hospitalization due to a mild stroke. Earl is strong willed and determined to get better. He would like to tell all to "Take care of yourself, watch your blood pressure and cholesterol levels".

It would lift his spirits if you could call or send a card. He is just beginning the road to recovery. Please keep him in your thoughts.


Jenay Tatum (daughter)

My wife previously worked with Earl's wife, and I've met Earl a number of times as he sat a few rows down from me at the Bradley Center. Great guy, and we wish him a speedy recovery.

Spend a moment and shoot some good thoughts towards Earl and the Tatum family.


Championships Matter said...

Earl -- never knew you but knew your reputation as a ballplayer and a person.

Get well dude and we'll see you down the road.

cet3717 said...

To one of the Marquette Greats, Earl get well soon, you will be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Smoothest jumpshot I ever saw from a Marquette player. Ball hardly moved the net. Earl didn't drive to the basket, he glided.....all the best and speedy recovery.

j2r1 said...

Seems like just yesterday I was cheering for you in high school. Those were the days.

We wish you a speedy recovery Earl...my favorite Knight!

Renee(Rubicco) & Joe Bianco

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers to you and your family Earl. My name is Lonnie Webb - class of '78. Current photographer for the boys Varsity basketball team. I played with the McCray Brothers in the late seventies. I too can remember the days watching you as a little kid at Mt. Vernon H.S. The sweetest jumper in the world! My most memorable thought of you though was one "rainy" day in Mt. Vernon's Hartley Park. I was a high school junior. I talked alot of trash and ran my mouth enough for you to come on the court in the rain and play me one-on-one. I was so excited to be playing against you that it didn't matter that you would not let me get off a shot. Of course I don't expect you to remember but I will never forget that day. You did not have to do that but you did. Just goes to show the world what kind of man you are. I thank you so much for that day. Take care Earl and get well soon.

Anonymous said...

Dear Earl and family:
Mt. Vernon sends you its best always. You can't keep the Knights down! Come back strong!
Adrienne (Bianco) Annunziata MVHS Class of '68

Tony DiPrima said...

Dear Earl ,
Was just passing thru this site . I always check it and was sorry to see the news here. I hope you are on the way back to 100% and again being active and walking daily. I just sent a letter to your house and will call soon ! Stay relentless and strong. Call if you need anything. Our days in Mt Vernon and summer fun on the Playgrounds are always cherished days. Get well soon.
Your Friend Always,
"Scooter" DiPrima

Tony DiPrima said...

PS: Happy Birthday July 26th ! I missed it by 2 days Dang
Get well ,

stephanie shelton hairston said...

Dear Earl:
While watching the Magic/Cleveland game, I thought about you, and decided to google your name. You and I were friends and classmates from the MVHS class of 1972. I hope you have a speedy recovery. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I remember your days as a collegiate as well as a pro. Enjoyed the way you played the game. Get well soon big guy!